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Recently treated 75-year-old male patient who experienced transient left-sided blindness. Although there were no symptoms or alterations on ophthalmologic exams, imaging revealed a 16x16mm supraophthalmic aneurysm on the left internal carotid artery (ICA).

Upon DSA examination, the ophthalmic artery was not visible on either the ICA or external carotid artery (ECA) runs. Due to the aneurysm’s narrow neck, opted for coil occlusion as the treatment approach.

Dr. Gábor LENZSÉR deployed 3 Penumbra 400 coils (18×60, 15×60, and 14×50), which led to some filling around the neck and inside the aneurysm. The final coil, a PAC400 60cm, successfully filled most of the gaps, leading to a dense closure at the neck. Remarkably, from the small neck remnant, the filling of the ophtalmic artery reappeared.

This case highlights the importance of precision in treating complex aneurysms and the effectiveness of coil occlusion in achieving favorable outcomes. Congratulations to Dr. LENZSÉR and his team for this outcome!

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