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Routine Watchman™ FLX cases at Semmelweis University

Watchman™ FLX implantation at Semmelweis University by Prof. Dr. László GELLÉR, Dr. Zoltán SALLÓ and Dr. Anikó NAGY. Watchman FLX has a robust clinical evidence background: The SURPASS analysis of the NCDR-LAAO Registry™ has data of 16.000+ patients to date and confirms the best-in-class safety profile of Watchman FLX. #dailywork #LAAC #Watchman #BostonScientific #medicaldevice…

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WatchmanFLX™ cases with Prof. Dr. László GELLÉR in Szeged

Dr. Zoltán RUZSA and Dr. Zoltán JAMBRIK are performing WatchmanFLX cases in Szeged with the professional support of Prof. Dr. László GELLÉR.  Congratulations for the GREAT WORK! The WatchmanFLX device platform is the most studied LAA occluder in the world with proven great performance and very low complication rates. #LAAC #WatchmanFLX #BostonScientific #medicaldevice #healthcareinnovation #DeliveringHealthcareSolutions…

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Watchman™ FLX in use at Semmelweis Heart and Vascular Center

Left atrial appendage closure with Watchman™ FLX device at Semmelweis Heart and Vascular Center. Implanter: Prof.Dr.László GELLÉR, echocardiographer: Dr. Anikó NAGY. Congratulations for the great work! The WatchmanFLX device platform is the most studied #LAA occluder in the world with proven great performance and very low complication rates. Watchman FLX has a robust clinical evidence…

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LAAC case with Watchman™ FLX device

Dr. Gábor DURAY and Team performed a great left atrial appendage closure procedure at Military Hospital this week. Watchman FLX has a robust clinical evidence background: The SURPASS analysis of the NCDR-LAAO Registry™ has data of 16.000+ patients to date and confirms the best-in-class safety profile of Watchman FLX. Want to learn more? #LAAC…

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Watchman™ FLX cases at Military Hospital

Great cases at Military Hospital with Dr. Gábor Duray, Dr. Balázs Polgár and Team performed LAAC procedures. Results from FLXibility Post-Approval Study demonstrate WATCHMAN FLX has 88.2% complete closure (zero leak) at first follow-up in real-world, European WATCHMAN FLX patients. These new data reinforce 45-day complete closure rates seen in PINNACLE FLX (83%) and SURPASS…

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WatchmanFLX™ in 3D echo

Spectacular visualization of successfully implanted BostonScientific WatchmanFLX™ device. Implanter: Prof.Dr.László GELLÉR, echocardiographer: Dr. Anikó NAGY. Congratulations for the great work! The WatchmanFLX device platform is the most studied #LAA occluder in the world with proven great performance and very low complication rates. #LAAC #Watchman #BostonScientific #medicaldevice #healthcareinnovation #deliveringhealthcaresolutions #DHSHungary

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