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TAVI case at Military Hospital

The unique top-down deployment method of the BostonScientific Acurate Neo2 Aortic Valve allows a better alignment especially in horizontal aorta. Successful implantation, the mean gradient was below 7 Hgmm without any PVL or regurgitation. Congratulations to Dr. Gábor KERECSEN and Dr. Zalán GULYÁS at Military Hospital. #BostonScientific #AcurateNeo2 #TAVI #innovation #healthcareinnovation #DHSHungary #DeliveringHealthcareSolutions

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200th Acurate neo TAVI case at Semmelweis University Heart and Vascular Center

The team of Semmelweis University Heart and Vascular Center has performed the 200th TAVI procedure with Boston Scientific Acurate neo2. We are grateful to have such a strong collaboration with this renowned Center and looking forward to further prosperous work! Congratulations! #BostonScientific #AcurateNeo2 #TAVI #200case #healthcareinnovation #DHSHungary #DeliveringHealthcareSolutions

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Using Acurate neo 2 at University of Pécs

High degree of aortic angulation is a challenging feature for transcatheter aortic valve positioning. According to the multicenter, international registry collecting data of 3862 patients (HORSE), Acurate neo 2 showed superior device success among patients with horizontal aortas compared to the competitor device (91,2% vs. 86,6%), p<0,002. Congratulations for the great case to…

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Stable hemodynamics with Acurate neo2

The unique top-down deployment method of the BostonScientific Acurate Neo2 Aortic Valve allows for stable hemodynamics through the whole procedure and predictable release. This technology together with the self-expanding, supra-annural valve structure demonstrates large EOAs and low mean gradients, also on the long term. Congratulations for these TAVI procedures to the implanting team of University…

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Boston Scientific Acurate neo 2 case in Pécs

BostonScientific Acurate neo 2 features Active PVseal™ technology and an extended sealing skirt that conforms to the native aortic annulus to minimize PVL. Valve implanted at University of Pécs, featuring excellent sealing and commissural alignment. Congratulations for the great result! #BostonScientific #AcurateNeo2 #iSleeve #TAVI #innovation #healthcareinnovation #DHSHungary #DeliveringHealthcareSolutions

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Acurate neo 2 case in Szeged

Perfectly positioned @BostonScientific #Acurate neo2 implanted by Dr. Zoltan RUZSA and Team! Congratulations! As TAVR expands to lower risk and younger patients with a longer life expectancy the need for future coronary access, low PPI rates and hemodynamical stability becomes increasingly important. Want to learn more? >> #BostonScientific #AcurateNeo2 #iSleeve #TAVI #innovation #healthcareinnovation #DHSHungary…

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Protected TAVI with Sentinel CPS device at Military Hospital

Debris captured during #TAVI procedure in bicuspid anatomy at Military Hospital, Budapest, performed by Dr. Gábor KERECSEN, Dr. Zalán GULYÁS and Team. According to a study published by Herbert Kroon et al. in EuroIntervention in 2021, THV repositioning seems to be independently associated with a higher risk for dislodging greater amounts of debris to the…

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Boston Scientific Sentinel case in Szeged

Sentinel CPS use during a TAVI procedure at University of Szeged by Dr. Zoltan RUZSA. SENTINEL is clinically shown to be safe able to capture and remove debris potentially reducing the risk of stroke, especially disabling stroke (PTAVR Trial. Kapadia, et al. N Engl J Med 2022). #TAVI #protectedTAVI #strokeprevention #structuralheart #CPS #BostonScientific #Sentinel #DHSHungary…

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