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Lombard Altura in Szeged

Lombard Medical Altura is an AAA graft with a unique braided nitinol stent design delivered in an ultra-low profile 14 Fr delivery system. Highly effective in challenging anatomical situations making limb cannulation unnecessary. These 2 cases were performed by Dr. Zsolt PALÁSTHY and Team at University of Szeged. Truly innovative approach, congratulations! #Lombard #Altura #endograft…

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First ever Lombard Medical Altura case in Hungary

At University of Pécs Department of Vascular Surgery a very unique device has been used by Dr. Gábor Kasza and Team: the Lombard Medical Altura endograft system, which features unique bilateral D-stent design and ultra low 14Fr delivery system. This was the very first case in Hungary, with excellent postoperative result. Congratulations! We are very…

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